Metal Fittings Showing all 13 results 15 products per page30 products per page45 products per page Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Heavy Duty HookView PricesLogin to see prices Heavy Duty Shelf BracketsView PricesLogin to see prices PVC Ticket HoldersView PricesLogin to see prices Replacement Suckers for Glass ShelvesView PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall 11 Ball Sloping ArmView PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Euro Hook with Overarm Ticket HolderView PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Euro Hooks – Box of 100View PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Glass Shelf BracketsView PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Oval Straight ArmView PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Picture HookView PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Single Hook with Overam Ticket HolderView PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Single Prongs – Boxes of 100View PricesLogin to see prices Slatwall Stepped ArmView PricesLogin to see prices 15 products per page30 products per page45 products per page