garden centre packaging Showing all 12 results 15 products per page30 products per page45 products per page Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low KPS1 40 x 34 x 14cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS2 50 x 35 x 12cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS3 60 x 35 x 12cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS4 50 x 44 x 12cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS5 70 x 50 x 15cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS6 60 x 50 x 15cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS7 60 x 45 x 15cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS8 40 x 30 x 12cmView PricesLogin to see prices KPS9 70 x 35 x 10View PricesLogin to see prices PB001 340 + 175 x 245mmView PricesLogin to see prices Plant Sleeve DispenserView PricesLogin to see prices Printed Plant Carrier BagsView PricesLogin to see prices 15 products per page30 products per page45 products per page